And the Emmy goes to…
No matter the outcome of the Emmy awards tonight, Amelia Air and 22 beautiful dogs are the CLEAR winners today!
Katy and I busted out Leesburg Virginia this morning at 0 dark thirty (well, maybe not - it was a 9:45am departure), flew down Rocky Mount NC to meet some folks from the Wilson County Humane Society, and empty 22 dogs from their foster families and shelter to make room for the incoming animals.
Katy and Dean just loving on the gorgeous little ones
Turns out - during Covid, you may have heard a lot of folks adopted animals because they had a LOT of time on their hands being at home. Well, that time has been diminished now for people going back to a job or an office, unable to care for their animals and they’re sending them back to shelters and even at times - just dumping them on the side of the street or under houses. Fortunately for some of these beautiful creatures, folks like the Wilson Humane Society volunteers care for them until they can be transported, which we’re very happy to play a part in the process!
Welcome to Rocky Mount North Carolina
We spent about an hour on the ground in NC, and that consisted of fueling up for the trip to New Jersey, getting all the dogs and their foster families into the airport, coordinating with the shelter the logistics of which animals can go in which crates, then loading up the crates and securing them for the flight, all while taking just a few moments to smell the roses!
10 foster families keeping the pups cool while waiting to load up
We happened to meet a guy who was also doing a dog rescue volunteer flight, from Pilots n Paws (the inspiration for Amelia Air), so the airport was filled with animals being rescued! A great Sunday indeed, and I think a great way to kick off the Emmy award ceremonies tonight!
Puppies playing Pac-man!
So why the heck am I talking about the Emmys? Well, one of our biggest benefactors and supporters is Allison Janney, and she is nominated for an Emmy for her the last season of her groundbreaking TV series MOM, so of COURSE we’re all rooting for her to win here at the Amelia Air households across the country!
it’s puppy love!
We are very grateful for all of your support to help make these rescues such a huge success, and for our big donors in helping make a big impact in the lives of so many animals at one time! 22 animals in one day - we’re thrilled to have them avoid a 9 hour drive in favor of a 90 minute flight!
Please share these posts, and if the mood strikes you - donate to us! We are a non-profit charity and truly depend on the kindness of people like you to keep us rescuing animals! And if you already have - MANY thanks and keep your fingers crossed for the Emmy win!